The Animated Ideas Bootcamp is a collaborative training and development project that encourages group participation for the development of animated series concepts for pitching and production. Recognising a gap between TRAINING in animation digital media and the CREATION of content for global audiences, this platform combines the right skill sets with hands on training in the development of ideas for television or the internet. Its aim is to create a spark in the development of regional content.
Register for the AC16 Animated Ideas BootCamp by downloading this application form and emailing it to info@animaecaribe.com
Let us know if you are attending Animated Ideas bootcamp!
Phase 1
The winning group will be partnered with Caribbean animation studios and funded to create a short trailer a poster and a Production Bible that will be used for marketing and promotion for further funding both in the region, and international bodies.
Phase 2
This phase is the packaging of the winning animated concepts ready for series investment and distribution negotiations. For the next stage each project needs 20,000USD. Project winners will be pitching to Angel Investors and participating in a crowd funding platform Apura Networks of Suriname. To support, visit Apura Networks’ website here.
After Phase 2 funding, each project will have:
1. A finished animated episode
2. 22 scripts for development
3. A completed high profile Production Bible
4. Full detailed budget for production
5. Completed merchandising prototypes
This is carded for February 2017. The IP of Caribbean Content package will be taken on a global tour to children content expos and markets for distribution sale and investment. Kidscreen in Miami will be the testing ground for the projects.
Let’s celebrate our 15th anniversary here at Aanimae Caribe and let us continue to embrace and encourage the growth of local content for the region and the globe.