15 Jun Animae Caribe goes to Annecy Film Festival in France.
The Annecy International Animation Film Festival and Marketplace is the ultimate platform for the presentation of animated work and will provide Trinidad and Tobago with a formidable opportunity to showcase our work.
Since 1960, the festival takes place at the beginning of June in the town of Annecy, France. The event brings together the biggest names in the field and celebrates the creativity and diversity of animation styles and techniques. Throughout the festival, in addition to the competing films projected in various cinemas of the city, an open-air night projection is organized on Pâquier, in the centre of town, by the lake, with the mountains in the background. According to the topic of the festival, classic or recent films are projected upon the giant screen. On Saturday evening, all the award winners are presented.
Heartfelt Congratulations to the Festival international du film d’animation d’Annecy. Building an industry is not for the faint of heart, nor is it an over-night activity. It takes time, energy, connections, collaborations, partnerships and investment funding. Their 60 years of Festival Excellence shows in every aspect – the conferences, the signage, the infrastructure, the competitions and Awards, the screenings, the behind the scenes, and even the after parties.
The Animae Caribe Directors, Camille Selvon and Roxanne Colthrust had the opportunity to meet with Executive Directors, producers, writers, animators, composers, and many other forward looking animation professionals at this international conference. A critical meeting point was our interactions with our brothers and sisters from Africa – meeting studio executives, producers and writers from Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, South Africa truly moved doors that we’ve been trying to open.
Special Thanks to PARALLEL 14 ACADEMY and the incomparable Saïdou Bernabé from Martinique/ France who allowed Animae Caribe to partner with them.
Thank you Annecy Film Festival for being receptive to a Caribbean World of Animation possibilities. The future looks Bright!!